Story-Kim talks about forbidden and deeply unreasonable feelings in modern-day Sweden and fun dot bars from Norway that you can use to dot each other, so that you, the dotted one, you idiot, are surprised, no matter what you are doing and you then begin to laugh out loud. And laughter is truly included in the book. It is a frightfully witty book. The whole world’s fun stuff is included in this dream of a book, if one is interested in where the heck it has gone. Kim has both humor and cigars, as this man-about-town expresses it, and it is, after all, a quirky wording that gets you in a good mood.
The book has a single weakness. I don’t think Blurt-Kim should have blurted out with what the letters in the company name AGFA stand for and how much rice costs in Pootsville. And as he begins to narrate through several chapters about a very ordinary dance cocktail of the kind you receive when you step out to the middle of the dance floor, it’s as if the speakers are laughing a little and you really start sweating and needing air. Fat-Kim is no taller than the soles of your shoes, but he really surprises you and makes you act like a rolling cucumber and it won’t be the last time.