My philosophical area of interest is limited. I’m sure many of you are familiar with the expression “a clear and loving gaze”.
I am interested in these four types of language:
1. Boring language
(2. Super-language)
3. Wimpish/bizarre language
4. Full of myself language
5. Surreal language
Therefore I have designed an Android app and put up a website.
Luckily I don’t need to deal with defining super-language and I’m certainly not asking you to. Super-language would be “the correct thing to say in a specific real-life situation”. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. 🙂
I’m interested in these four types of language because they seem to be connected with important stuff such as ethics and other subjects. My question is: What is the moral worth of these types of language in given real-life situations?
Anyway. I’m asking you guys to help me feed our new Android-app with text examples of these language types. In a month or so. Let’s say September.
Let me give you an example:
Real-life situation: An author wants to write the first sentence of his next novel…
1. Albert walked down the street.
2. Albert walked down the street. The sun was shining, but in an unpleasant way.
3. [Doesn’t exist.]
4. Albert walked down the street. The sun was screaming
5. Albert walked down the street and was hit by an unbearable stench of chlorine at the Pheasants Corner.
I’m not expecting you to submit lists of these types of language straight away. I’m asking you to compete.
I’ve designed an Android app, free and free of advertisements, and set up a website for the same purpose.