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Man Made of Honey Cried in Front of Subway Passenger And Got A Free Ticket


A heartbreaking spectacle took place yesterday before the eyes of the architecture-student Hokus Craft, who was peacefully absorbed in his book on the subway heading towards Shellfish. A man of honey arranged himself in front of Craft and displayed a true drama of a stage performance, truly embarrassing. Hokus Craft was, in his own words, “completely touched” by the tearflow and the strange gesticulations, so he gave the man his ticket, after which the following exchange of words took place: “Can I also have your bag?” “No.” “Why not.” “Because it is my bag.” “But it could be mine.” “Be careful or I will drop you into my camomile tea.” “Evil man.” “You can have my indoor fireworks and my two redcurrants.” “Thank you.” At this point the man made of honey became so pleased with himself for having said “Thank you”, that he sent his sugar-smile to an elderly lady who nodded kindly.

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Morten Hjerl-Hansen (born 15. June 1973) is a danish blogger born in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. I lived for the first 19 years of my life in a liberal-minded, literary and academic home in North Zealand. My mother is a psychiatrist and my father is a chemical engineer. I have two siblings. Throughout childhood, "I invented near-useless things almost every day" and told my siblings "fairy tales" where they themselves were the protagonists. In 1986, I visited Houston in the United States with my family on a stay that spanned three and a half months. I started programming in 1986 and made approx. 20 major projects until I "lost the ability" in 2018. Student from N. Zahles High School 1992. Ry College 1993. Read theology 1993-1994 in Aarhus. Read philosophy 1995-2000 in Linköping, Lund and Copenhagen. Worked as Java programmer 2000 and 2001. Participated in numerous poetry readings in Copenhagen 2002-2007. Got a psychosis in 2007 "which took about 10 years to recover". Married to Else Andersen in 2010 and resides in Asnaes, Denmark. Father in 2014. Has written The Other Newspaper daily in Danish and English daily since 2013.